FAPS Development

  • Environmental Protection

    The organization advocates for protecting life underwater, cleaning the coaster areas to protect the sea from nonbiodegradable waste material, and encouraging recycling and proper waste disposal.

  • Tech for Future Impact

    FAPS development also trains women and youths in Information communication technology (ICT) with a project called Tech for Future Impact (TFFI).

  • Education as our Basic Right

    FAPS development view education as a basic right to life and in that regard has set up different programs.

Welcome to FAPS-DEV

Fighting Against Poverty for Sustainable Development. hi

FAPS-DEV is a non-profit, non-political, non-governmental organization that has been created out of the conviction that poverty and unemployment can be reduced, if people are taught how to be self-reliant to earn a living, rather than to be dependent, (it’s better to teach people how to fish than give them fish).

Our Programs

Vocational Training

This programmes are aimed at helping the less privileged people in the society acquire new skills and also to retrain and further personal development.

Health Education

The organization carries out campaigns and advocacy, in areas that are aimed at improving knowledge on infectious diseases and promote the development

Environmental Protection

FAPS development carries out projects that are aimed at protecting the natural environment, the objectives of these programs are are to help conserve

Women and Children Right

The organization set up programmes that promote the rights of women and children, advocating for policies that support gender equality

Civic Engagement

We advocate for the promotion of quality life in communities, setting up prorammes that will encourage youths and women to participate on issues

Cultural Protection

We carry out campaigns that are aimed at stimulating the interest of people in cultural promotion, projects that lead to the recognition

Our mission

To improve the livelihood of the less privileged especially the youths, women, and children through economic empowerment beyond capacity building.

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